Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Upcoming Events May 14 - May 30

Wednesday – May 14 – at St Charles (Kirk Rd Complex) – 6pm game time – please be there by 5:15pm – Can we also have our wiffles and other items there on time so we can get the boys loose – thanks everyone.

Friday – May 16 – GAME ON IN YORKVILLE – We have secured Dustin B. to play and Bob is working to attain Ethan A's services. We will miss 5 regular players but definitely understand that we ALL will miss events here and there with our busy lifestyles. The game is at 5:30pm so please try to be there by 4:45pm. Please correct me if I am wrong as I have Tyler, Dylan, Austin, and both Ryan’s unable to attend.

Saturday – May 17 – 10am and 3pm in Yorkville – We will have all 12 players and NO alternates. Once again, if I am incorrect, please let me know. Be at the games 45 minutes prior to game time at a minimum; thanks

Sunday – May 18 – Yorkville tournament final two games and we WILL be in one of them! GO BLUE!

Tuesday – May 20 – Wheatland Ducks – please be there by 5pm (5:15pm the latest) McCarty Elem. School

Wednesday – May 21 – have a practice scheduled from 6 to 8pm at South St. I have been trying to schedule a rainout make up but to no avail thus far as the other teams have games already scheduled. So we may just have a 90 minute practice (5:30 – 7)

Wednesday – May 28 – game home versus St Charles

Friday – May 30 – Cougars night – more details to follow

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